H. Balslev 62052

Spineless! Stem solitary, 1.5 m tall, 0.7 cm thick, covered with old leafsheaths, internodes ca. 4 cm long, smooth. Leaves 6, spreading. Sheaths 7 cm long, closed, green, smooth. Petiole 10 cm long, terete, very slightly channelled above, green, smooth. Rachis 10 cm. Blade entire, 21 x 7 cm for each lobe, apically bifid, with 10 primary veins per side. Infructescences two developed, infrafoliar, peduncle 3 – 4 cm, laterally compressed, first erect, bending laterally out from the stem, rachis very short. Rachillae 3, 1 – 3 cm long, fruits subglobose, light green, 7 mm across, very slightly apiculate. Siona: Hua-so-e-ne Spanish: Chonta duro de tintin Uses: Stem is scraped to make “stuffing” for gun cart- ridges.