F. Skov 64828

Solitary. Stem 14 m, 39 cm diam, columnar, greyish brown, ventricose at the middle (9 m), there 49 cm diam, at base covered with adventitious roots, these 5 x 0.5 cm, brown, internodes 20 cm wide at base, nodes visible as lighter colored oblique rings, but not protruding, 9 cm wide apically, nodes clearly visible as oblique rings. Leaves 19, erect and arching, with the rachis twisted so the pinnae appear in a vertical plane; sheath and petiole 228 cm, 52 cm wide at base, rounded below, channeled above, brown, covered with a brown tomentum basally, towards apex of petiole the color changes to green and the tomentum becomes less dense, margins sharp, covered with up to 90 cm long and 2 mm wide fibers; rachis 580 cm; pinnae 142 per side, basal pinnae 60 x 1 cm, middle pinnae 149 x 7 cm, apical pinnae 55 x 1 cm. Inflorescence bud (staminate) interfoliar; prophyll 86 cm, 36 cm wide, becoming fibrous with age, 1 cm thick when young, yellow basally, with orange tomentum; peduncular bract 230 cm, 46 cm wide, 3 cm thick, apically with a 27 cm long solid point, longitudinally fissured, with 1 cm wide fissures separated by 1.5 cm, light green with a brown tomentum, inside glabrous, light yellow; peduncle 42 cm, 4.5 cm wide, 4 cm thick, cream with a brown tomentum; rachis 175 cm, tapering towards apex. with a slight depression above each rachillae; rachillae 526; spirally inserted, 30 cm long, 0.5 cm wide, the upper 22 cm densely covered with staminate flowers on one side, each rachillae subtended by a minute bract, swollen at base. Inflorescence bud (pistillate) interfoliar; prophyll 90 cm, 32 cm wide at base; peduncular bract 236 cm, 23 cm diam; rachis 186 cm, 8.5 cm wide and 5 cm thick at base, cream; rachillae 35 cm, with pistillate flowers from 7 cm above base to 27 cm above base, staminate flowers above. Specimen with infructescence: Solitary. Stem 18 m, 47 cm diam at base, ventricose, 52 cm diam 9 m above base, 38 cm diam at apex. Leaves 20; sheath + petiole 260 cm, 44 cm wide at base; rachis 620 cm, 10 cm wide at base; pinnae 130 per side, basal pinnae 94 x 0.3 cm, middle pinnae 135 x 9 cm, apical pinnae57 x 1 cm. Infructescence interfoliar, recurving; prophyll 56 x 40 cm; peduncular bract 280 x 50 cm; peduncle 92 cm, 14 cm wide, 8 cm thick; rachis 190 cm; rachillae numerous, lower 31 cm, upper 27 cm; fruits 2-14 per archillae, ovate, acuminate, green, with a brown tomentum, 6 x 3 cm. Common name according to people from Pierdas: “Chevila”. The palm normally have flowers and fruits in April -May.